All companies from Region-hannover-de

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Ansprechpartner: Herr Wengenroth
Kurt-Schumacher-Straße 25
30159 - Hannover - Nordstadt
Tel.:0511 13221503
Mob.: 0173 2030511

southafrican wines & lifestyle

Dean Yon
Karmarschstraße 49
Markthalle, Stand 25A
30159 - Hannover - Mitte
Tel.:0511 833797
Mob.: 0173 6995069
The online-shop offers besides southafrican wines also the famous chutneys from Mrs. H.S.Ball in various flavours. Visit Dean Yon in the markethall in Hannover, stand 25A. He will welcome you there with pleasure.
Pub Online Shop Restaurant Wine-Trade Spirituous Beverages

Frau Schmitz - Herr Pankow
Devrientstraße 2
30173 - Hannover - Südstadt
Tel.:0511 99093-0
Fax: 0511 99093-32
Accountancy Tax Consultant Accountant Booking of Current Business Transaction Economical Advice

Am Listholze 51
30177 - Hannover - List
Tel.:0511 39939360
Fax: 0511 39939374
car trade General Inspection garage Wheel Service Automobile Trade

Theaterstraße 4-5
30159 - Hannover - Mitte
Tel.:0511 95079880
Fax: 0511 95079890
Planning Office Office Equipment Interior Decoration Object Fitting Rattan Furniture

by the South African

Dean A. Yon
Karmarschstraße 49
Markthalle, Stand 26
30159 - Hannover - Mitte
Tel.:0172 1724700
Mob.: 0173 6995069

Experience the comfortable atmosphere of the Lounge and Bar directly in Hannover. This places conjures the whole sprit of South Africa. It is recommended to book your table in advance as well as bookings for your own event.

Pub Online Shop Restaurant Wine-Trade Event Rooms

Liedtke & Lindau GmbH
Große Düwelstraße 32/34
30171 - Hannover
Tel.:0511 813158
Fax: 0511 2834767
Safety Engineering Electrical Engineering Electrician / Electrical Installation Air-Conditioning Technology Light Engineering

Ansprechpartner: RA Frank Bentes
Leisewitzstraße 26
30175 - Hannover - Zoo
Tel.:0511 851067
Fax: 0511 2834193
Notary Lawyer Specialised Solicitor

Grosser Hillen 11
30559 - Hannover - Kirchrode
Tel.:0511 526913
Fax: 0511 5247808
Accessories Lottery Online Shop Tobacco Products

Harald Wischnewski
Hildesheimer Straße 129
30173 - Hannover - Südstadt
Tel.:0511 883306
Fax: 0511 883326
Tombs Stonemason Stone Restorations

Ansprechpartnerin: Corinne Woll
Podbielskistraße 44
30177 - Hannover - List
Tel.:0511 2354075
Fax: 0511 2618521
Mob.: 0171 2861716
Management Consultancy vocational training Seminars Coaching

Deisterstraße 17
30449 - Hannover - Linden
Tel.:0511 451061
Fax: 0511 451065
Computer Computer Service

Königstraße 50
30175 - Hannover
Tel.:0511 60098855
Lawyer Specialised Solicitor

Karl-Kraut-Straße 14
85049 - Hannover
Tel.:05121 5115117

Kurt-Schumacher-Straße 25
30159 - Hannover
Tel.:0511 95733354

Kurt-Schumacher-Straße 25
30655 - Hannover
Tel.:0511 21584911
Search engine Optimisation

Kaiserallee 9
30175 - Hannover - Zoo
Tel.:0511 35881-0
Fax: 0511 35881-82
Care for the Elderly Therapeutic Pedagogy Taxi Company

Kurt-Schumacher-Straße 25
30855 - Hannover
Tel.:0511 40890554

Rathenaustraße 16
50674 - Hannover
Tel.:0511 585053

Ansprechpartner: Herr Studenski
30559 - Hannover - Kirchrode
Tel.:0172 5415692

Kestnerstraße  42- 43
30159 - Hannover - Mitte
Tel.:0511 8110-3
Fax: 0511 8110-400

Lützerodestraße  1
30161 - Hannover - List
Tel.:0511 3394-0

Humboldtstraße  5
30169 - Hannover - Calenberger Neustadt
Tel.:0511 129-0
Fax: 0511 129-2407

Ricklinger Straße  5
30449 - Hannover - Linden
Tel.:0511 9246-0
Fax: 0511 9246-306

Alexis-Carrel-Straße  4
30625 - Hannover - Buchholz
Tel.:0511 27092-0
Fax: 0511 27092-217

Carl-Neuberg-Straße  1
30625 - Hannover - Buchholz
Tel.:0511 532-0
Fax: 0511 532-5550

All companies from Region-hannover-de

This list shows you all entries registered with city-amp from Region-hannover-de

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A business directory of companies with phone number, attractions, events, offers, coupons, and more. Directly on the map.